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Fire side Chat

Fire Side chat with the Pastor

Submitted by Pastor on 20 April 2024




Pastoral Anniversary Sunday Celebration


Sermon Title: No Shame in the Game: The Power to Preach

Sermon Text: Romans 1:15-16




1. What does it mean to be ready to preach the gospel?

2. How does God get a preacher ready to preach?

3. What is the strange power in this preaching business?

4. Does the preaching of the gospel have the capacity and the power to make a person complete and or whole?

5. Does the gospel have the power to create whole people in a broken world?

6. What is the definition of authentic preaching?  Is it: The good
news we have won?

7. How is the gospel God's answer to a bad reputation?

8.Why is Paul ready to preach the Gospel?

9. What does it mean in your life to NOT be ashamed of the Gospel?