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Fire side Chat

Fire side Chat Sunday September 11, 2022

Submitted by Pastor on 9 September 2022

Title: " I'm Tired of Being Sick & Tired : Thirsting after the MORE of God"


Text: John 4: 4-30



1.How is the living water  of our text different from the stagnant water of John 2:6 ?


2.What does it mean to Worship God in " Spirit & Truth" ?


3.In the ripping story of the text Jesus  deliberately challenges the  reigning ethnic,sexual,and social prejudices of his day. Where are some of the Jacob wells Jesus might seek out in our day?


4.the woman at the well threw up  various smoke screens to protect herself against probing religious conversation..What are some contemporary red hearings today regarding hearing the gospel? 


5.The story ends with a thoroughly "unchurched " person becoming a very effective disciple. What does this suggest to you about the process of discipleship?


6. How do you know you are "sick & tired" of Being "sick & tired" ?


7. What does it take to get the "MORE" of God that quenches the thirst we have for God?