Fire Side Chat
Why not blog online with Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd about Sunday's Sermon?
Sermon Title: "Title:" Authentic Faith & The Furnace"
Scripture: Daniel 3:1-6
Fire Side Questions
Sermon Title: "Authentic Faith & The Furnace"
Sermon Text: Daniel 3:1-6
1.Is it true that people who take their faith seriously will always
find that confrontation of one sort or another is always around the corner? If so, why or why not?
2. What does it take for you to stand for your Faith?
3.As pilgrims of the African Diasporas: What does it mean to have
faith in a foreign land?
4.From our text; What do we learn about the nature of Faith?
5.Are you ready to do battle for your Faith? Why or why not?
6.Do you live by conviction or by expediency?
7. Are you sure your Faith will remain intact in the fire and in the furnace?
8.Can you honestly say: With my authentic Faith I will not bow?
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