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Fireside Chat

Fireside Chat with the Pastor

Submitted by Pastor on 5 April 2024











Sermon Title: “When the Wine Runs Out”

Sermon Text: John 2:1-11




  1. When the wine of life runs out: What’s a Child of God to do?


  1. What level of faith does it take to believe God can change water into wine?


  1. Mary the mother of Jesus displays "Authentic Faith " in Jesus's ability to turn water into wine. Where did it come from?

4.  When did you notice the wine of life run out for you?

5.   How do you handle the fact that Jesus can be at your party of life and the wine still runs out?

6.  How much faith does it take to fill the jars of your life with
water.  Believing God to turn it into wine?

7. Have you seen in your life God turn water into wine? Did you give him the highest Praise? Why or why not?

8. What  does obedience have to do with changing water into wine?