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Order of Worship Sunday June 30, 2024 1`0:00AM

Submitted by Pastor on 28 June 2024

Greater Framingham Community Church

An Extended Christian Family


                         Year of Authentic Faith & Highest Praise            

Hebrews 11:6


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Intergenerational Service

Graduation/Promotion Sunday


June 30th, 2024 10:00 AM


Franklin and Park Streets, PO Box 629

Framingham, MA 01704


Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd, Pastor


Church Office (508) 626-2118Internet:


Please Note: All services are videotaped\livestreamed, which means the camera spans the congregation at times, and you may be on the screen.




Presiding ……………….……………………..…..…Ameryllis Porter

Opening Prayer…………………….….…...Deacons/Christian Wilson

Processional….....Leaning on the Everlasting Arms..........Praise Team


We Worship Through Praise                           

 Praise Choruses.............................................................. Praise Team

Holy, Holy, Holy

We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise

Draw Me Close To You


Children’s Choir…………………………………………………..

Scripture………………....Psalm 95…………Emmanuela Wonya

We Worship Through the Preached Word

Praise Selection…………..Praise is What I Do…….……Praise Team                                                                                                                                                         Sermon........................................................Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd

We Worship Through Prayer     

Invitation/Altar prayer……...……Ashlyn Wilson, Taylin Felix-Villari

Invitation to Christian Discipleship ...……Minister Almarie Dawkins.

Praise Selection………..……Jesus, Jesus, Jesus….…... Praise Team

We Worship in Response to Hearing the Word

Tithes & Offerings: (Please make your donations when entering or exiting the church service. An "Offering Container" is provided in the Narthex.)

Visitor Welcome……………………………...………Nyosha Homicil

Recognition of Baptism &

Right hand of Fellowship………………….Minister Almarie Dawkins

Graduation Recognition………………………Rev. Courtney Lackard

High School……………………………………………………


Graduate degrees………………………………………………

Junior Church Promotion(s) to JYC…………………………..

JYC Promotion to Teen Worship………………………………

MLK Recognition……………………………………………...

Usher Graduation Recognition………………………………...

AV Graduation Recognition…………………………………...

Men’s Christian Fellowship Scholarship…Rev. Quincy Mosby

Praise Selection..…………...…..We’re Blessed………….Praise Team


Post Service Prayer with Deacons (by baptism pool)………………….


Standing Please


















Praise Selection




What a fellowship, what a joy divine,

leaning on the everlasting arms;

what a blessedness, what a peace is mine,

leaning on the everlasting arms.



Leaning, leaning,

safe and secure from all alarms;

leaning, leaning,

leaning on the everlasting arms.


O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,

leaning on the everlasting arms;

O how bright the path grows from day to day,

leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]


What have I to dread, what have I to fear,

leaning on the everlasting arms?

I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,

leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]



Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee,

Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see,

Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,

Perfect in pow’r, in love, and purity.


Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

All thy works shall praise thy name in earth, and sky and sea.

Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty!

God in three persons, blessed Trinity!





We bring the sacrifice of praise

Into the house of the Lord

We bring the sacrifice of praise

Into the house of the Lord


And we offer up to you

The sacrifices of thanksgiving

And we offer up to you

The sacrifices of praise





Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!

God in three persons, blessed Trinity!


Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee,

Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;

Cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,

Which wert and art and evermore shalt be.






Draw me close to You

Never let me go

I lay it all down again

To hear You say that I’m Your friend


You are my desire

No one else will do

No one else can take Your place

To feel the warmth of Your embrace

Help me find the way to bring me back to You



You’re all I want

You’re all I’ve ever needed

You’re all I want

Help me know You are near





Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

There's just something about that name.

Master, Savior, Jesus,

Like the fragrance after the rain


Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

Let all Heaven and earth proclaim

Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,

But there's something about that name.



























































Praise is what I do when I want to be close to You

I lift my hands in praise

Praise is who I am, I will praise You while I can

I'll bless You at all times



I vow to praise You through the good and the bad

I'll praise You whether happy or sad

I'll praise You in all that I go through

Because praise is what I do

Cause I owe it all to You


Praise is what I do even when I'm going through

I've learned to worship You

No my circumstance doesn't even stand a chance

My praise outweighs the bad





Praise is what I do - it's what I do





















Blessed!  Blessed!  Blessed!  Blessed!


Since thou has walked uprightly as a light in a dark land

Since thou has placed in thine heart all the Lord's commands

He set thee above nations to cast thine enemies away

He's standing up within me, so let me hear you say



We're blessed in the city, we're blessed in the field

We're blessed when we come and when we go

We cast down every stronghold, sickness and poverty must cease

For the devil is defeated, we are blessed!


Thou believest in God only and put no confidence in man

Everything that does concern thee, you placed it in His hands

Though a host rise up against thee and tries to spoil the day

They'll march in one road to harm thee, but they'll flee seven ways





Late in the midnight hour, God's gonna turn it around

It's gonna work in your favor

Late in the midnight hour, God's gonna turn it around

And around, and around, and around, and around






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We invite you to join us for Early Morning Prayer with the Pastor at

8:00AM on Monday mornings. 

Prayer Line: 1-605-313-4818 Access Code: 702588#.



Studying the book of Romans. Taught by Rev. Faith Tolson in person and online via zoom.

Zoom Meeting ID: 897 7079 3299

Passcode: 763764



We begin a New study... The book Of Daniel.

Come and learn about this  visionary man who received  revelations of

the future. The setting is Babylon captivity in the 6th century before

Christ. Learn what it means to be an exile people and what it means to

experience  breathtaking heroism and triumph. Come out on zoom

Wednesday night and hear of Daniel, the three Hebrew boys and  hanging out by the rivers of Babylon!


Taught by Rev. J. Anthony Lloyd online via zoom.

Call in to pray!

Zoom Meeting ID: 872 0766 6279

Access Code: 021876


If you would like to be a part of a Morning Prayer group, you can just do so by dialing in to pray or request prayer. The line opens from 5:30 am to 7:15 am.

Prayer line:  605-313-4818

Access Code: 702588#


The New Topic of study is Gospel of John. We continue to meet on Thursday evenings for one hour at 7:00 PM. We use Google Meets and the phone connection to refresh the platform information. Video conferencing is available.

Phone:  (US) + 1  956-410-2734 PIN: 320 644 462#



The Men’s Christian Fellowship Bible Study meets via Zoom on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:30 am. On the 4th Saturday join us for food, fellowship and Bible Study (in-person and on Zoom). Breakfast is served at 8:00 am. Bible Study begins at 8:30 am. If you can’t make it, the line will be open. Join us for a virtual breakfast.



Please keep Jim Heithmar & Sandy Felder in prayer with the passing of Jim’s brother David. Keep his wife, Laura, and son, David, in prayer.


Cards can be sent to:


Jim Heithmar and Sandy Felder

2 Surrey Lane

Natick, MA 01760


Please keep Deacon Ev and Carolyn Reynolds, Eric and Christopher Reynolds in prayer, with the passing of Carolyn’s cousin, Dr.

Norman Crossing.


Cards can be sent to:

Deacon Ev & Carol Reynolds

7 Collins Drive

Marlboro, MA 01752










List of Graduates 2024

Elizabeth Robinson- Central Michigan University, BA degree

Jared Evelyn- Framingham State University, Master’s degree

Jasmine Scott- South Eastern Regional Vocational H.S.

Norma Hairston- Holyoke Community College

Amani Rivera- Framingham High School

Antonio Sanjurjo- Hopkinton High School

Blessing Osagie- Quinsigamond Community College, A.S. Nursing

Derrick Vervil- Framingham High School

Jaden Scott- Brockton High School

Joshua Hill- UMass Boston

Tyarra Ramos- Lynn English High School

Alycia Johnson- PhD

Theo Accam- Mass. College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Master’s degree

Breanna McGibbon- B.S.C. Automotive Services

Dr. Joseph Wonya- Framingham State University, Master’s degree

Dr. Sydney Miller- Medical Degree

Jaysean Calhoun- Marlboro High School

Sierra Smither- Howard University, Master’s degree

E.J. Smither- Howard University, Bachelor of Arts

Rolando Sidney- Pace University, BA degree


Volunteers Needed


We are seeking volunteers to help with our upcoming 2025 MLK Breakfast Celebration and MLK Youth Conference events. For those that are willing to volunteer, it would be greatly appreciated. Please give Romelle Herring, Chairperson of the MLK Breakfast Celebration a call at 508-361-9133.