Order of Worship Sunday October 13, 2024 10:00 AM
Greater Framingham Community Church
An Extended Christian Family
“Year of Authentic Faith & Highest Praise”
- Hebrews 11:6
October 13, 2024 ♦ 10:00 AM
Franklin and Park Streets, PO Box 629
Framingham, MA 01704
Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd, Pastor
Church Office: (508) 626-2118 ♦ Internet: www.gfccnet.org
Please Note: All services are videotaped\livestreamed, which means the camera spans the congregation at times, and you may be on the screen.
Worship and Celebration
Livestreamed: www.gfccnet.org/live
Presiding…………………….............................................Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd
Opening Prayer………….….…………………………………......................Deacons
✝Processional……….……….This Little Light of Mine…..…................Praise Team
We Worship Through Praise
✝Praise Choruses.......................................................................................Praise Team
Since I Laid My Burdens Down You Are Good You Are The Living Word
Scripture…………………………Psalm 63: 1-11….……....Minister Gayle Simpson
We Worship Through the Preached Word
Praise Selection.....................The Storm is Passing Over.……..………..Praise Team
Sermon..............................................................................Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd
We Worship Through Prayer
Invitation/Altar prayer….………………………..................Minister Gayle Simpson
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
Praise Selection…………………Have Thine Own Way……………….Praise Team
We Worship in Response to Hearing the Word
Tithes & Offerings: Please make your donations when entering or exiting the church service. An "Offering Container" is provided in the Narthex.
Visitor Welcome
Praise Selection………………….The Goodness of God.….…………...Praise Team
Post Service Prayer with Deacons (by Baptism Pool)
✝ Standing Please
Praise Selections
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let shine
Jesus gave it to me, I’m gonna let it shine . . .
All in my home, I’m gonna let it
shine . . .
Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine . . .
Glory, glory, Hallelujah!
Since I laid my burdens down
Glory, glory, Hallelujah!
Since I laid my burdens down
Friends don’t treat me like they used to
Since I laid my burdens down
Friends don’t treat me like they used to
Since I laid my burdens down
I feel better, so much better
Since I laid my burdens down
I feel better, so much better
Since I laid my burdens down
Lord You are good and Your mercy endureth forever
Lord You are good and Your mercy endureth forever
People from every nation and tongue
From generation to generation
We worship You! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
We worship You for who You are
We worship You! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
We worship You for who You are
You are good!
You are good all the time
And all the time, You are good!
Bread of heaven sent down from glory
Many things you were on earth
A holy king, a carpenter
You are the living word
Praise Selections - Cont’d
Awesome ruler, gentle redeemer
God with us, the living truth
And what a friend we have in You
You are the living word
Jesus, Jesus, that’s what we call You
Manger born but on a tree
You died to save humanity
You are the living word!
(repeat 4x)
Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh!
You are the living word!
Jesus, Jesus, that’s what we call You
Jesus, Jesus, oh, oh, oh!
You are the living word!
Encourage my soul and let us carry on.
For the night is dark, and I am far from home.
Thanks be to GOD. The morning light appears.
The storm is passing over.
The storm is passing over.
The storm is passing over,
Hallelujah, Hal-le-lu-jah
The storm is passing over.
The storm is passing over.
The storm is passing over,
Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way;
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way;
Search me and try me, Master, today.
Whiter than snow, Lord, wash me just now,
As in Thy presence, humbly I bow.
Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way;
Praise Selections - Cont’d
Wounded and weary, help me, I pray.
Power, all power, surely is Thine,
Touch me and heal me, Savior divine.
Have Thine own way, Lord, have Thine own way;
Hold o’er my being absolute sway.
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only, always, living in me.
I love You, Lord for Your mercy never fails me
All my days I've been held in Your hand
From the moment that I wake up until I lay my head
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
'Cause all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
I love Your voice, You have led me through the fire
In darkest night You are close like no other
I've known You as a father, I've known You as a friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God
'Cause all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God
Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
With my life laid down, I surrender now, I give You everything
Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I'm gonna sing of the goodness of God
I'm gonna sing
And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I'm gonna sing of the goodness of God
I will sing of the goodness of God.
I will sing of the goodness of God.
Church Meetings
To access the Zoom Meetings, visit the website "Zoom.com",
click "Join Meeting” and type the Meeting ID & Passcode
into their respective labeled sections.
Monday Mornings with the Pastor
We invite you to join us for Early Morning Prayer with the Pastor
at 8:00 AM on Monday mornings.
Prayer Line: 1-605-313-4818 Access Code: 702588#
Tuesday Night Intercessory Prayer
Please join us for Tuesday Night Intercessory Prayer. You can do so by dialing in to pray or to request prayer. The line opens at 7:00 PM.
Prayer Line: 1-605-313-4818 Access Code: 702588#.
Wednesday Noon Bible Study
Studying the book of Philippians taught by Rev. Faith Tolson
in-person and online via zoom.
Meeting ID: 897 7079 3299 Passcode: 763764
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
We invite you to join us for Wednesday night prayer at 7:00 PM
Prayer Line: 1-605-313-4818 Access Code: 702588#
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Taught by Rev. J. Anthony Lloyd online via zoom at 7:30 PM
We began a new study—The book Of Daniel. Come and learn about this visionary man who received revelations of the future. The setting is Babylon captivity in the 6th century before Christ. Learn what it means to be an exile people and what it means to experience breathtaking heroism and triumph. Come out on zoom Wednesday night and hear of Daniel, the three Hebrew boys, and hanging out by the rivers of Babylon!
Meeting ID: 872 0766 6279 Passcode: 012876
Church Meetings – Cont’d
Thursday Morning Prayer
If you would like to be a part of a Morning Prayer group, you can do so by dialing in to pray or request prayer.
The line opens from 5:30 AM to 7:15 AM.
Prayer line: 1-605-313-4818 Access Code: 702588#
Thursday Night Bible Study
The New Topic of study is Gospel of John. We meet on Thursday evenings for one hour at 7:00 PM. We use Google Meets and the phone connection to refresh the platform information. Video conferencing is available.
Phone: (US) + 1-956-410-2734 PIN: 320 644 462#
Men’s Bible Study via In-person & Zoom
The Men’s Christian Fellowship Bible Study meets via Zoom on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM. On the 4th Saturday, join us for food, fellowship and Bible Study (in-person and on Zoom). Breakfast is served at 8:00 AM. Bible Study begins at 8:30 AM. If you can’t make it, the line will be open. Join us for a virtual breakfast.
Meeting ID: 833 3695 8347 Passcode: 591593
When: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month
Where: Via Zoom
Time: We begin at 9:00 AM
Meeting ID: 854 2703 1869 Passcode: 292946
You can receive the link by emailing: Ruby: rbee1952@yahoo.com or
Belinda: lightinclay67@comcast.net or by calling the church at 508-626-2118.
The next Church council meeting which is open to the entire membership will take place via zoom on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM. GFCC Ministries is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 812 0991 7368 Passcode: 828686
Church Announcements
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